News and Announcements
Meet 2 Results!
We received the meet results files from the other team. You can find them here:
I will supplement them with some additional reports in the next day or two.
What a great meet! Go Makos!
Meet 2 (6/19/19) Entries!
Attached to this news item are the entries for Meet 2.
If your swimmer is not listed and attending or listed and not attending, please let us know ASAP. Since we’re the away team this week, entries have to be in to the home team Tuesday night.
A few reminder notes:
There is a First Meet – Readme file under info on the website. This contains a lot of good information.
Entry Time in the attached files refers to the last recorded time for your swimmer in that particular event. NT means “No Time.”
Swimmers are broken down by Division using Top (best) Times and the GRAL Time Standards. More info on the divisions can be found under INFO>FAQ. The 2018 Times Standards are still current. A link to the Time Standards can be found under LINKS on the website.
If a time has the legend CONV, it means that time was converted from a yards pool to meters (the Milestone pool is a meters pool.)
The event numbers refer to the order of events. The order of events is also available in the INFO section of the website.
You will note that the attached file has only individual events. Relay entries are preliminary, they almost always change. so we won’t publish them.
If you have trouble navigating the website, feel free to ask questions. There is also a link under INFO to the a users guide with linked help documents on a number of different subjects!
Meet 1 Results!
Congrats too all the Makos that participated in our first meet tonight! The Makos managed to record a victory against a Goochland team with some really really fast swimmers!
There were a lot of improved times, but a special shout out goes to Michael Sabo who broke Milestone team records from 2003 and 2005! Awesome!
All of the documents can be found here:
Meet 1 (June 12) Entries!
Attached to this news item are the entries for Meet 1.
A few notes for new families:
There is a First Meet – Readme file under info on the website. This contains a lot of good information.
Entry Time in the attached files refers to the last recorded time for your swimmer in that particular event. NT means “No Time.”
Swimmers are broken down by Division using Top (best) Times and the GRAL Time Standards. More info on the divisions can be found under INFO>FAQ. The 2018 Times Standards are still current. A link to the Time Standards can be found under LINKS on the website.
If a time has the legend CONV, it means that time was converted from a yards pool to meters (the Milestone pool is a meters pool.)
The event numbers refer to the order of events. The order of events is also available in the INFO section of the website.
You will note that the attached file has only individual events. While you might see relay entries in the parent portal, I caution you that relays are often scratched if another swimmer doesn’t show up or leaves early. Relay entries are preliminary, they almost always change.
If you have trouble navigating the website, feel free to ask questions. There is also a link under INFO to the a users guide with linked help documents on a number of different subjects!
Swim-A-Thon Information
Good morning,
It was so great to see everyone yesterday and for those who couldn’t make it I wanted to email out the swim-a-thon information. This is our annual fundraiser where athletes swim as many laps as they can in a one hour period (can use kickboard). Swimmers are asked to get pledges per lap or flat donations prior to swimming. This event is Saturday, June 1 from 8-10am. Swimmers will swim from 8-9am and then breakfast will follow at 9am. The breakfast is also serving as a fundraiser but swimmers will eat for free after their hardwork swimming. Tickets for breakfast is $5 per person. More information is in the packet and if you have any questions please let me know.
Hope everyone can make it, it is a lot of fun and a great team activity!! Also, the swimmer who raises the most money in each training group gets to pie their choice of coach at one of our swim meets!!!
Thank you,
Cindy Sabo