News and Announcements
Meet 4 Results!
Results have posted here – thanks for your patience!
Meet #4 Entries
Meet 4 entries are attached to this news item.
Also – please take note. We’re going to move the deadline to declare for Meet 6 (July 16) to Saturday July 13 (it was Sunday). The Tuesday meet scheduling doesn’t us enough time to do entries, have some time to post them in advance, and to send them to the other team (when we’re away).
If you have already declared for Meet 6, you can disregard.
If you have any questions, please let me know
Meet 3 Results!
Meet 3 results have been added to the webpage here:
I will supplement these reports with a better champs qualifier report in a few days when this meet has been uploaded by GRAL to our central database.
I also added a report showing seed times and results by swimmer. I think it’s a little easier to get to the information that you want most.
MEET 3 (6/26/19) ENTRIES!
Attached to this news item are the entries for Meet 3.
If your swimmer is not listed and attending or listed and not attending, please let us know ASAP.!
Champ's Qualifiers!
Congratulations to the champs qualifiers from Meets 1 & 2.
A report of all champs qualifiers to date is attached. We will have a similar report available a day or two after each meet.